
I found this recipe on pinterest but it’s actually from a sugarfree, gluten free, paleo friendly nonsense website, so I made some alterations.  I’ve very much been wanting to eat more vegetables so a ratatouille makes sense, but lacks protein and carbs (my favourite things!).  So I added potatoes and cheese to make it more balanced and yummier.  OK the cheese also adds fat but in moderation it’s not too bad. 

  • 2 cans of chopped tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • herbs
  • salt
  • fresh basil
  • 1 onion
  • 1 courgette
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 potatoes
  • goats cheese

1485028983536.jpgI wanted to use aubergine as well but alas the coop has a poor selection of veg.

I preheated the oven to 175 celsius, and greased a baking dish.  The tomato sauce was just the chopped tomatoes, with 1tbsp of oil, the garlic, basil, salt, and herbs. I poured it into the baking dish.

I sliced the veg and stack them in the dish alternately. Because I wanted to add the cheese towards the end I stacked fairly losely so I’d be able to slip it in later.

I baked for about 45mins, then took it out and added slices of the goats cheese.  Then put it back in the oven to finish off.  It was pretty delicious, if I do say so myself.  The potatoes had just cooked, so I wouldn’t cook it for any less time but the other veg can all be eaten raw anyway so that’s fine.  Looking at the fat content in the dish I should probably have used less cheese, but it really didn’t seem like that much!


Nutritional Values:

Whole Dish Per Portion
Cals 1088.4 504.5
Fat 52.3 26.1
Protein 42.3 21.1
Sugar 30.7 15.4
Fibre 18 9
Carbs 111.4 55.5

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